The first year just flew by…

I finished a course in 2013, officially I am a craftsman, an applied photographer. Starting the course I had professional gear, some achivements already and done a few paid ssignments aswell. I thought “hey, I know how to shoot, all I need is a paper to be allowed to issue invoices”. I was going through the course and week after week the most important learning became clear, that my attitude could not have been more wrong!

Then in December 2016, out of nowhere the course organizer approached me if I was interested in taking over the theoretical training module about photo-equipment. Suddenly it was wow, my honour (quite a big one), awesome, this will be a piece of work (it is, actually), which will never pay off (but oooh, it does!)… I did two steps backwards, took a deep breath - discussed it all with my wife of course - before I said yes.

Then you find yourself facing dozens of grownup people, dedicating money, travelling, and their Saturdays to your training day. They bring quite a diversity of expectations (like we did too), as some of them are bloody rookies, others more professional on their own field then myself. It is a challange both personally and professionally, to make your material understandable for the one and still interesting for the other.

I love to teach! I can not even remember a time where my own progress was more intense. I know, in the very beginning I did not do perfect (still do not…), but it is getting better time by time. For sure I try my best to make it…

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