As per law homeless is „the person who spends his nights in public places or places not meant for housing” (1993. law III. 4.§ art. 3.). They are visible in the streets, stereotypically they are useless, dirty and sloven, and most illstrations in media confirms this image. According to an experienced social worker they are in a kind of end-stage, practically waiting for death, and represent appr. 5-10% of all homeless.
As per law homeless is also who „has no registered address or is registered under the address of a homeless shelter” (1993. law III. 4.§ art. 2.). While riding the bus or go shopping we may pass by these pople without any notice: there is no visual identifier of being homeless. I am a volunteer of the streetpaper Fedél Nélkül (Without Roof), since April 2013, and sorted these portraits aiming to challange the image of homelessness.
(These images were originally published in Hungarian, on